FVWM: autoplacement in fvwm 2.0.42

From: Grant Beattie <gb_at_cbl.com.au>
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:50:56 +1000 (EST)

Hi everyone,

I've turned off auto-placement in ~/.fvwm2rc, but it still
auto-positions windows. Here's the relevant bits:

# WINDOW Placement
# SmartPlacement makes new windows pop-up in blank regions of screen
# Style "*" SmartPlacement

# If SmartPlacement fails, this places it randomly instead of making you do it
# Style "*" RandomPlacement

It seems to be using random placement, BTW.

>From the config, I would have thought this turns random AND smart
placement off...

any ideas?

-<*>- Grant Beattie - http://www.cbl.com.au/~gb/ -<*>-
- Mariah is my Hero and -
- will Always Be My Baby... -
-<*>- -<*>-

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