Re: FVWM: It isn't working. :-)

From: Brandon M. Browning <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:10:54 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Martin Kraemer wrote:

> > Matt> Hi, sorry to bother everybody with stupid queries such as this,
> > Matt> but I simply cannot get FVWM 2.0.42 to function properly.
> I stumbled over a different bug yesterday, which could be the reason for
> the behavior described by Matt:
> After doing "MakeMakefiles && make" on a plain vanilla fvwm-2.0.42, I
> ended up with /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2 not being a directory, but a FILE!!!!
> This resulted in all undecorated windows and no way to end fvwm.
> Apparently, there's a "mkinstalldir" missing for the fvwm2 subdirectory,
> and all the "install module/XXX/XXX /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2" commands override
> the generated file instead of putting it into the subdirectory.
> So have a look at this file/directory and if it's a file, remove it,
> create an empty directory and re-"make install".
> If this cured the problem, please re-report to the list; others may have
> the same problem...

The first time I compiled fvwm2 on the SunOS 4.1.4 box here, I had that
problem. I thought it was something *I* did (since it was only my second
compile of fvwm, ever). I manually fixed it after I figured it out. It
worked on my Linux box because I already had fvwm1.24. Subsequent
compiles & installs have been flawless -- only the very first failed.

Perhaps it's time to do a fresh install & see if the above works...

-- Brandon Browning )
   Powertie Software ( c[]
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Received on Fri Apr 19 1996 - 12:09:31 BST

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