FVWM: Re: Beta version 2.0.42 now ready

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 09:17:23 -0400

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org> writes:

Dave> For what it's worth, I reported a but to Jarl after downloading the
Dave> latest version at his site. I assume that's what's in 2.0.42, but
Dave> haven't had time to upgrade to that just yet due to other problems
Dave> keeping me away from fun stuff.

It is, but it has some minor fixes in there for AIX.

Dave> Anyway, I found that if I specified *FvwmButtonsFont None, it
Dave> would dump core. I don't know if would happen with a different
Dave> font spec or if I specified the font in a container. I just
Dave> removed the line and it works OK for me now. I figured out
Dave> where it was dumping with gdb but haven't yet had time to come
Dave> up with a fix. Unfortunately I don't remember any details other
Dave> than it was an attempted NULL dereference. Anyway, if you've
Dave> got a *FvwmButtonsFont line, try removing it and see if you get
Dave> any further.

I'll try and run Purify on it (or more likely, Checker for Linux) and
see if I can find this and any other problems like that.

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Received on Thu Apr 18 1996 - 08:14:53 BST

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