Re: FVWM: idea on reporting errors

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 09:50:46 +0100

Austin Donnelly :
    Austin> At the moment, fvwm reports errors by calling
    Austin> fvwm_err(). This put the message out on stderr, where it
    Austin> will usually get lost lying in ~/.xsession-errors.

I modified my .xsession file to start FVWM with the following...

/home11/imc/bin/fvwm 1> /home11/imc/.fvwm-errs 2>&1

so any error message ends up in ~/.fvwm-errs. Okay it's not as good as,
say, directing them to FvwmConsole, but then I don't use it..


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