Re: FVWM: placement of windows from another host ???

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 96 15:59:24 +0200

>>>>> Kai Grossjohann writes:

>>>>> On 15 Apr 1996 14:12:01 +0200, Albrecht Kadlec
>>>>> <> said:

Albrecht> But how do I specify, that all emacses from any host in
Albrecht> vlsivie StartOnPage 1 in the lower row of pages and all
Albrecht> netscapes from that domain on Page 2, while I use the
Albrecht> upper row of pages for my primary account ?

K> That's what resource names are for. You can start
K> emacs -name bla
K> and Fvwm will recognize it under the name of bla (amongst others).

K> Let's just hope that Netscape obeys the rules and recognizes this
K> command line option, too.

I don't think all X software will recognize this one (though it SHOULD).

And I don't like the idea of mangling the class name:
who knows what is depending from that info.

and they're both still emacses of the class 'Emacs', so why name one emacs
'vi' on one domain ?

also it's a kind of pain to alias ALL X commands on one host to have -name
sth-else and then duplicate all style commands in .fvwm2rc on order to add

I don't know what commands I'll start on that host, but I want EACH to show
up on my lowest left page, and netscapes on the left but one page.

so in fact I'd like to use sth like
        style "*_at_*.auto" StartsOnPage X
        style "*_at_*.vlsivie" StartsOnPage Y

and still have other style options under their normal names, since all
matching options are ORed together.

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Received on Mon Apr 15 1996 - 08:57:13 BST

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