Re: (Was: FVWM: Fvwm 2 next release)

From: Brandon M. Browning <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 10:21:07 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 12 Apr 1996 chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM wrote:

> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael J Carter <> writes:
> Michael> "He" says that tvtwm does a fstat() on a 'menu file', and if
> Michael> it has changed, the new version is read without the need to
> Michael> push a button. I must admit it is more elegant....
> How about this:
<snip of dynamic menu code>
> It reads the file every time, regardless of whether it changed or not,
> but it accomplishes basically the same thing.

Yes, I've tried that and found that I really didn't like it. Why? It's
too bloody slow (at least on my system). Instead of popping the menu
instantaneously, it'd take a second or two. Not my idea of fun,
especially when I'm working. Oh, but I have another solution. This one
isn't as elegant (or maybe it is), but I've run across something that
might be a potential bug.

I wanted "dynamic" menus as well because I tend to stay logged into X a
lot. When I want to add a new entry (usually an application), I had to
restart when all I really wanted to do is reread the menu. Rereading the
menus every time like Chuck's example defeats the purpose for me because I
don't make that many changes to my menu.

Well, by using DestroyMenu and Read, I'm able to reread all the menus when
I want to. Yes, one has to destroy them all to reread them. And herein
lies the problem. Here's my function:

  AddToFunc ReadMenus "I" DestroyMenu Applications
  + "I" DestroyMenu Commands
  + "I" DestroyMenu Games
  + "I" DestroyMenu Modules
  + "I" DestroyMenu Remote-Logins
  + "I" DestroyMenu Shells
  + "I" DestroyMenu Utilities
  + "I" Read .menu-applications
  + "I" Read .menu-commands
  + "I" Read .menu-games
  + "I" Read .menu-modules
  + "I" Read .menu-remotelogins
  + "I" Read .menu-shells
  + "I" Read .menu-utilities

(each .menu-* is a AddToMenu); and I've added:

  + "Reread Menus" ReadMenus

in menu binding. Then, when I've made a change, I can just select "Reread
Menus" and FVWM dutifully rereads the menu set. This isn't the problem
(it works wonderfully & quick, too). The problem is that if I try to
reread the menus and I've changed *nothing* in them, FVWM takes down the
entire X session. So ... if anything has been changed in any of those
menu files, I'm okay. If I accidently reread and nothing has been
changed.... well, i'm outta luck.

Is this supposed to happen, or did I just find an elusive bug? FWIW, I'm
running Linux 1.2.13 & the latest beta of FVWM...

-- Brandon Browning )
   Powertie Software ( c[]
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Received on Fri Apr 12 1996 - 12:13:12 BST

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