FVWM: Re: Put windows on a certain desk upon startup

From: Kai Grossjohann <grossjoh_at_charly.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
Date: 12 Apr 1996 16:51:20 +0200

>>>>> On 12 Apr 1996 08:26:28 +0200, Kai Grossjohann
>>>>> <grossjoh_at_ls6.informatik.uni-dortmund.de> said:

  Kai> I have a .xsession file which starts a number of clients. I
  Kai> would like the client Netscape, for example, to start on desk
  Kai> "WWW". I know that I could add "StartsOnDesk WWW" to the
  Kai> Netscape style, but that means that Fvwm (2.0.41) switches to
  Kai> that desk permanently so that subsequent clients will appear on
  Kai> that desk as well.

Hi everybody,

thanks to Chuck, my problem is solved. I'm getting to like Fvwm even
better (is that possible?) now. The solution is to use SkipMapping
which does exactly what I want: when a window is mapped that
StartsOnDesk somewhere, the current desk isn't changed any longer.

Please excuse me for not explaining my problem clearly enough.
Several people responded with the suggestion of placing useful Wait
(or something) statements in the InitFunction. I didn't want to use
InitFunction, though, because I'd like to have the same clients
started no matter which window manager I use. (Is contemplating using
something else Blasphemy?;-)

I'm assured that SkipMapping will actually be documented in a future
release. The current (2.0.41) release of the man page sez that it's
there but not what it does.

There ain't no cure for the summertime blues.
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Received on Fri Apr 12 1996 - 09:48:46 BST

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