Re: FVWM: Fvwm95-2

From: Charles S. Kerr <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 12:03:55 -0600 (CST)

> The task bar module should work fine under fvwm2.x, although it might
> require some small mods.
> A module could be written to display Win95 style menus, and that'd
> work out ok after I add the ability to send arbitrary strings to
> modules like was discussed on this list last week (which I plan to do
> soon).
> While I don't want to bloat fvwm code, if I can make it so modules can
> be used to get a different look and feel, I think that may be good,
> and I'd probably be willing to include the modules in the distribution
> (or at least a pointer to them in the FAQ & on the website).

I like this idea. I downloaded fvwm95 and tested it out; I like the
taskbar. OTOH, I also like the direction that fvwm is moving in and
don't think it's worth it to switch to another wm just for the taskbar.
Optional modules could be much better than having the wasted effort
of two wm's being written just because one has an extra bell or whistle
that the original doesn't.

> If I can make this be possible via modules (as was discussed in the
> past too), it would make your lives easier and give more potential to
> fvwm.

> Chuck

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