Re: FVWM: FvwmTalk emulation with FvwmForm

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 10:54:20 -0500

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Goldberg <> writes:

Dave> I seem to recall a mention that FvwmTalk was being rewritten to
Dave> provide a better interface/functionality,

I had originally intended to enhance FvwmTalk's capabilities, but then
Toshi Isogai mailed me a new module called FvwmConsole which is
implemented differently, but basically takes care of many of the
improvements that I wanted to make.

I intend on having it be in the next beta release, which will appear
as soon as I clean up a few more things. Work and various other
things have obliterated my free time lately, so it's taking longer
than originally intended...

Dave> but in the meantime, I've been playing with the following
Dave> FvwmForms that do the job pretty nicely. Maybe others could use
Dave> this as well. MyTalk is a one shot deal, intended to be called
Dave> from a menu, while MyFvwmTalk is designed to hang around.

Hey, cool idea! I'll include these in the updated sample rc file, if
you don't mind.

Dave> Pity there's no way to do inheritance for things like this,
Dave> though I could probably do something with m4.

Quite possibly.


Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

IBM Internal email: "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're, just havin' a nightmare--of course,
  HINESC at FISHKILL, HINESC at FSHVMFK1 we are still in Hell." Gary Larson
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Received on Wed Apr 03 1996 - 10:03:33 BST

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