Re: FVWM: Feature request - FvwmButtons

From: Brandon M. Browning <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 04:54:24 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 26 Mar 1996, Stephen Riehm wrote:

> PS: another feature which I like from the mac's was that if you threw
> the pointer to the bottom left corner of the screen, that the
> screensaver would startup right away - combine that with locking, it
> would be a nice way to leave your workstation - but the pointer has to
> be at +0-0 for the feature to start up. any takers?

Take a look at xautolock. I've been using it and it works great. Not
only does it allow you to do the above, but it also starts xlock (or any
other screensaver for that matter) after a predetermined time of non-

-- Brandon Browning )
   Powertie Software ( c[]
"But officer, I was only trying to gain enough speed so I could coast to
the nearest gas station."

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Received on Tue Mar 26 1996 - 06:57:15 GMT

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