Re: FVWM: FvwmButtons

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 14:53:55 -0500

>>>>> "Jarl" == Jarl Totland <> writes:

Jarl> Hi all

Jarl> Charles Hines says:
>> Never fear everyone - I plan on putting Jarl's new FvwmButtons into
>> the next release (ready early next week, hopefully) and the necessary
>> patches for it after I finish reviewing them, as long as I have no
>> problems with the patches. I like the new capabilities (although I
>> don't use a buttonbar myself), so I really would like to get it in
>> there.

Jarl> Great! This means the fvwm-caching.patch will have to go in
Jarl> there too, and probably fvwm-linecont and fvwm-popup :-)

Yup. Like I said, I still have to inspect those patches to make sure
I agree with them completely. As long as they are 'ok' to me, they'll
be in there.

Jarl> I still haven't got any bug reports on 200396b, this could mean
Jarl> it's up to beta standard now. There will be some more feature
Jarl> patches, but whether they come tonight or in may is hard to say.

I was hoping that you might start to slow down a bit. :)

>> Speaking of patches, Jarl's vertical titlebar patch will mostly likely
>> NOT be included... While it looks interesting, I don't really feel
>> that fvwm needs this right now. Sorry everyone who may have been

Jarl> This was only as expected, it really was just a quick hack. But
Jarl> I intend to rewrite it and resubmit it after SFR (the style flag
Jarl> rewrite), then it could be used for separate windows. Will also
Jarl> experiment some with rotation of title etc.

Jarl> If there is any interest in this I guess I can maintain it as a
Jarl> patch to the releases of fvwm until such a time that it might
Jarl> get included or is forgotten/obsolete.


>> BTW - Jarl, there is a program called xvertext in the R5 contrib on
>> which can be used to rotate text strings in earlier X
>> versions.

Jarl> Thanks, I'll look at it. Hope it's faster than
Jarl> XGetPixel/XPutPixel - that was _slow_.

I believe that it draws the string onto an image and then rotates that
image. Don't know how fast it is though, as I never played with it.
I think that XFig uses that code, and it's pretty snappy w/ the
rotation, so I imagine it's pretty quick.


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