Re: FVWM: Vertical Titlebar Hack

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 22:42:58 GMT

Jarl said:
> I've made a patch to give vertical titlebars to fvwm windows. You can get it
> at my homepage, I even put a snapshot up. It's nothing fantastic, don't know
> if it's useful, but it was something I had wanted to do for a long time..
> When you're on 640x400 or 800x600 you want to exploit the height of the screen
> to its fullest, and titlebars are just in the way.
> It didn't turn out as nice as expected when I found out there was no reasonable
> way to display rotated text :-( Anyway, it's up for grabs. If someone likes
> it maybe we can convince Chuck to put it in, but no high hopes :-)

Not exactly what you'd call bug free is it? :-) But its great fun and quite
useful on smaller displays where the title bar is usually in the next page...
very irritating.

It appears to have some serious bother with shaped stuff, try just popping
up xeyes when the title style is set to vertical. Very confused!

It would be a lot better (it would be superb!) if it could be implemented
on a per window basis...I'd quite like to have some stuff (like Xterms)
have sidebars while most have horizontal by default, or does this
impinge on the famed 'style flags' debate as well?

On a unrelated note, to let several users use fvwm here it would be of terrific
help if FvwmButtons ran programs through my shell (with all its associated ENV
 variables), on X-terminals here the full path is needed, and often explicit
setting of env vars via scripts. This is obviously not great when less
experienced people go to customise their setups.
Please tell me that the next release address this problem, at least I am
fairly sure its the shell that needs added..

And I'm still waiting for
        StartsOnDesk [desk] [page]
        StartsOnPage [page]

How hard can that one be? <duck>

David Kennedy, Dept. of Pure & Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast
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Received on Thu Mar 21 1996 - 16:41:35 GMT

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