Re: FVWM: Titlebar buttons problem

From: Robert Tarrall <tarrall_at_solarz.Colorado.EDU>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 20:20:42 -0700

Peter Funk wrote:
-> bo> The problem is that if I click on a titlebar button (Iconify is the
-> bo> typical culprit) and the button happens to be sitting over the pager,
-> bo> the window gets iconified as it should and the pager switches to a new
-> bo> desktop/viewport! The pager reacts to ButtonUp events not ButtonDown.
-> This behaviour must be new in fvwm2 or must configurable somehow.
-> I'am still using fvwm 1.24r and my titlebar buttons react on button
-> release. On button press they only present a sunken border frame
-> to reflect, that a specific button has been hit.

Works as you describe (ButtonUp event iconifies the window, not ButtonDown)
under 2.0.41 as well, so I'm not sure it's a fvwm/fvwm2 issue. Perhaps
it's caused by something in the .fvwm2rc, like MWMButtons vs FvwmButtons?
Seems unlikely, but who knows...

                        -Robert Tarrall.-
                        Unix System/Network Admin
                        Laboratory for Computational Dynamics
                        CU - Boulder
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