FVWM: pager stops working

From: Carlos Alberto Carvalho <carlos_at_fisica.ufpr.br>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 10:24:56 -0300

Since I upgraded to X11R6 I have the problem that sometimes the
keyboard combinations to move from one desktop to another stop
working. Clicking on the pager with the mouse works fine. Restarting
fvwm doesn't work.

I'm still using 1.24r, but I think this is related to the Xserver,
because it only happens with R6, not R5. Also, if it were fvwm's fault
it'd be cured by restarting it.

Any ideas? This is on XFree86 3.1.2 under linux.

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Received on Sat Mar 16 1996 - 19:02:17 GMT

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