FVWM: Turkish Fonts

From: Can BAYTAN M.D. <cbaytan63_at_medstu.ktu.edu.tr>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 05:53:27 +0200 (EET)


I am a very newbie of fvwm (less than an hour) after being tired of noises
of swapping HD with KDE and last version of WindowMaker, even though I
have 128MB of RAM.

My question:
I am running Mandrake 7.01 at home and trying to figure out how to get
Turkish fonts on kvt and wordperfect with fvwm (iso-8859-9) as I do in

I am able to use turkish fonts with KDE, now in fvwm
I can see kvt menus in Turkish in options kvt shows I am using iso-8859-9
fonts (because it was all set in KDE that way IMHO) *but*
there is no .fvwmrc file in /root directory, and I can not see some
Turkish characters, all I can find is
/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwmrc file but I don't think this is the my desktop
settings file because it includes bunch of stuff including netscape and I
see no netscape, so I can be happy running an xterm and opening all
applications from that window but I have to get Turkish fonts first, then
I can learn more about fvwm and pop-up windows. (A darker desktop
background would be nicer too :) )

Regards to all.

 Can Baytan M.D. http://meds.ktu.edu.tr/cbaytan/cbaytan.html
 Karadeniz (Blacksea) Technical University          
 Medical School, Dept. of Physiology--Trabzon/TR             
 Fax:+90(462)377-5498 cbaytan_at_yahoo.com (BX15TGE)
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