FVWM: OpaqueResize and SaveUnders ??

From: Eric F. Kahler (ekahler_at_mars.superlink.net) <ekahler_at_mars.superlink.net>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 09:09:38 -0500

Hi all,

I using fvwm version 2.0.40. The fvwm man page (for this version) mentions
both OpaqueResize and SaveUnders in the Style section.

In my .fvwmrc, I have the line:

        Style "*" OpaqueResize, SaveUnders

but every time I start Fvwm, the following line appears in my .xsession-errors

        fvwm: bad style command: OpaqueResize, SaveUnders

Any ideas at to why this isn't working?


From:  Eric Kahler.
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