FVWM: MWMButtons

From: Jarl Totland <jarl_at_cptsu5.univ-mrs.fr>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 15:36:30 +0100 (MET)

The other night I changed my window titlebar somewhat, I now have the
following two buttons on the right hand side: Maximize (4), Resize (2).
Using MWMButtons I thought I would get button 4 to look pressed when the
window was maximized, but no - it turns out this behaviour is hardcoded
to button 2, so when I maximize my window, the resize button is inverted.

Actually it turns out the MWM stuff is hardwired to work with
button 1 as menu, button 2 as maximize and button 4 as minimize.

I guess this could be figured out dynamically, like the shading of
the menu, by parsing the actions performed by each button to see
which are which, and also to provide the 'pressed-look' on maximize

Another neat thing would be to be able to get this depressed behaviour
on other buttons, like a Stick/Unstick button that is depressed when the
window is sticky... I guess this would have to be set in the ButtonStyle,
but as I haven't tested the pxp2 patch I'm not really uptodate on the
syntax of this. Btw, does the patch also handle bitmaps?

Just some general thoughts.

Oh and btw, there is a new FvwmButtons out :-)


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Received on Wed Mar 13 1996 - 08:35:21 GMT

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