Re: FVWM: [Q] fvwm 2.0.41

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 18:20:17 -0500

>>>>> "Ralf" == Ralf Fassel <> writes:

Ralf> G'day,
Ralf> a few questions on fvwm 2.0.41:

Ralf> - Is my impression correct that fvwm does not use any Xresources?

Correct. All initialization is done through the rc file.

Actually this is a partial lie, it does check to see if an app has an
X resource of *desk, and uses that for StartsOnDesk. But that's it.

Ralf> - is there a way to influence the way the border reliefs are drawn?
Ralf> Something analogous to `activeBottomShadowColor/activeTopShadowColor'
Ralf> in mwm? I'd like the top-shadow a bit lighter than it is now...

Not currently. You could try playing with GetShadow and GetHilite in
colors.c to change what it comes up with. I hadn't planned on adding
anything like this, but I may put it on the TO-DO list as a maybe.

Ralf> - is there a way to specify the cursor shape? I noted in the FAQ that
Ralf> Cursor cursor_num cursor_type (obsoleted)
Ralf> Is there any replacement for it or is this feature just dumped?
Ralf> I can't stand the cursor changing its shape like a maniac if I move
Ralf> the mouse around. It should be top_left_arrow and that's it.

This will eventually make it back in (it's on the TO-DO list).

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Received on Tue Mar 12 1996 - 17:21:19 GMT

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