Re: FVWM: Can fvwm be re-entered from olwm?

From: Sean Kelly <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 14:28:53 -0700

>>>>> "Ray" == "raymond (r e ) marshall" <> writes:

    Ray> I work primarily in fvwm, it's my WM of choice. But,
    Ray> occasionally I have to switch to olwm for GUI testing.
    Ray> Unfortunately, I have not discovered a way to gracefully
    Ray> switch back to fvwm. As it stands now, when I exit olwm, I
    Ray> get logged out, and thereby loose all of the work I had
    Ray> running in other windows.

Rather than switching window managers, you might want to investigate
the Xnest server. It's an X server that runs in a window on an X
display. You can manage your main display with fvwm. Then, in the
Xnest window, run olwm. Just iconify the window when you don't need

Xnest comes with X11R6.

Sean Kelly                          
NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
Boulder Colorado USA      
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Received on Mon Mar 11 1996 - 15:29:01 GMT

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