FVWM: Resizing windows stops everything else.

From: Andy <haninger.3_at_osu.edu>
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 11:40:55 -0500

I'm currently using FVWM2[.2.4] and have been recently working on
creating my own .fvwm2rc (prior to now, I was just using the defaults).
One thing that's rather annoying is that when I go to resize a window
(say, a rxvt), it goes to the "rubber bands" and allows me to resize it.
However, any other process that's working at that time gets stopped. My
'top' windows stop, 'cmatrix' halts, and even xmms will stop playing
after it's used up its buffer. Can I keep FVWM2 from doing this or is
this a feature-bug?

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Received on Sun Nov 05 2000 - 10:39:47 GMT

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