Re: FVWM: It's a great thing.

From: Robert Tarrall <tarrall_at_solarz.Colorado.EDU>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 15:42:21 -0700

"Randall S. Winchester" wrote:
-> their icon manager is very appealing. I also really like to click on a
-> "window" and have it come to the foreground. This is alot more straight
-> forward then trying place my pointer on a thin "window border" like I do

I bound the RaiseLower function to a key, which is how I got around the
problem of hunting for a border. One of the few things I ever liked about
OpenWindows was the L6 "Raise" key on the Sun keyboards...

If you want to use the mouse you could perhaps use shift+mouse1 like:
Mouse 1 W S Raise
You could of course replace the "S" with "N" and just use mouse1 to
raise the window... but then you have to use shift+mouse1 to do things
like grabbing text.

                        -Robert Tarrall.-
                        Unix System/Network Admin
                        Laboratory for Computational Dynamics
                        CU - Boulder
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