FVWM: Re: Retry... still some fvwm problem to signalize for me.

From: Mark Borges <mdb_at_cdc.noaa.gov>
Date: 07 Mar 1996 12:28:18 -0700

>> On Thu, 7 Mar 1996 09:16:05 -0500,
>> Charles Hines(CH) wrote:
CH> I think that there will only be like one more release before the
CH> first official one. It'll fix a few more buglets, improve the

Is one of the buglets the broken restart (or is that classified as a
bug-gar?) ;-0

In case you forgot, I'm referring to the situation where you have a
.fvwmrc that contains pre-processor lines like

        FvwmCpp ".fvwm/fonts-cpp"

If you restart, these lines are apparently not read (at least the
settings don't take effect. I get what appear to be some system wide
defaults). So restarting is kind of pointless for me.

Also, upon restart existing XEmacs windows become useless -- they
don't accept input anymore (I usually just kill them off via
delete-frame() and make a new onw).

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Received on Thu Mar 07 1996 - 13:28:33 GMT

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