FVWM: Newbie: install problem.

From: Jack A Walker <jawalker_at_ccgate.dp.beckman.com>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 09:20:24 -0800 (pst)


     I downloaded fvwm-2.0.41.tar.gz and unarchived into /root. I then ran:

          make install

as root. I then copied the example xinitrc and fvwmrc files included in the
archive to /root/.xinitrc and /root/.fvwmrc and ran startx. fvwm 1.23 came up
and ran fairly successfully but with some error messages. So I editted
/root/.xinitrc so the line that mentions fvwm now has fvwm2. When I run startx
X seems to start, giving me the familiar blue screen background and x curser but
nothing else. So I exit X with control shift backspace and see the error

          xinit: connection to server lost

I know I don't know what I'm doing so could some kind person help me to complete
the installation.

     I am using Linux /Slackware 2.3 coff(a.out) based kernal 1.2.8 on a 486 DX2
w/ 8m ram 1.6G hd and 64m swap partition. Up til now I have been successfully
using whatever version of fvwm slackware 2.3 installs (1.23 I think).

     I don't think the problem is with linux I think I just didn't do some
obvious install step.

     By the way /root is my root account home directory as you probably guessed.
I thought I could experiment with fvwm2.x by putting the init files in there and
prepending a '.' to their names.


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Received on Thu Mar 07 1996 - 10:44:10 GMT

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