Re: FVWM: Retry... still some fvwm problem to signalize for me.

From: N. Dan Zou <>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 20:40:40 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 6 Mar 1996, Robert Tarrall wrote:

> "N. Dan Zou" wrote:
> -> Some other problems I'm currently having with 2.0.41:
> ->
> -> 1) clicking on a window in the pager will no longer raise the
> -> corresponding window on the screen.
> Works for me. Middle mouse button raises the corresponding window
> and gives it the focus, left and right buttons move left/right in
> the pager. Maybe this is a configuration issue? I don't think I
> have anything unusual regarding the pager in my .fvwm2rc.

Ah, so that's it. I was used to the behavior in 1.xx where button 1
raises while button 2 moves.

> -> 4) if the CapsLock key is on then you can not click inside a window to
> -> raise it.
> The mouse button has a different state when Caps Lock is on. Change
> the "modifiers" entry on whichever mouse binding this is to "A" for
> "Any" and that should make CapsLock+Button1 work. It will also of
> course bind Control+Button1 and Shift+Button1...

This is a non-optimum solution so me. If I had this binding in my

Mouse 1 W A Raise

Then control-button1, shift-button1, and meta-button1 becomes
unavailable to me. I think it's better to change fvwm so that it raises
the window whether the caps lock key is set or not, or maybe add a new
modifier context L that's in effect when the caps lock is set? Hmm,
that may not be a bad idea, all the other modifier keys shift, control,
meta, mod1 through mod5 are recognized, why not caps lock?

Another question, does the A (any) context include the context N
(none)? Seems like it does.

> -> Agreed, fvwm has a lot of potential, but it still has some rough edges.
> -> I hope we can smooth out those rough edges before a public release.
> Hmmm... seems a heck of a lot smoother than most "fully released"
> window managers I've used (olwm, twm, 4Dwm, and their virtual-screen
> brethren). I think at this point the main problem is getting all
> the features fully explained to the users... :-)

I come from a background of ctwm, which I think is the second best
window manager next to fvwm, fvwm definitely looks nicer, which is
the main reason I switched. But ctwm is better in some areas, icon
placement for one. It also has loads of options (a lot of which you
don't need, like cute line warping effects, animation on the title bar,
etc.) With fvwm's active development scene, I have no doubt that fvwm
will soon surpass most window managers in all areas. I didn't want to
sound unappreciative of the work people have done. In fact, I think Rob
and Chuck have done a marvelous job, I just like to see it improved even
more. ;-) I browsed through the TO-DO list, a lot of cool ideas, but
the one that caught my eyes was the idea to iconify windows down to
their title bars, that would be extremely cool to have.

N. Dan Zou                           650 Castro Street, Suite 270
Systems Engineer                     Mountain View, California 94041
Stanford Management Group, Inc.      Phone: +1 (415) 903-9591
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Received on Wed Mar 06 1996 - 22:40:54 GMT

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