FVWM: warping the pointer in fvwm2 ?

From: Stephen Riehm <stephen.riehm_at_PC-Plus.DE>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 12:19:16 +0100 (MEZ)

Hi Guys n Gals,

I've just switched to fvwm 2.0.41 and it's just great, but I've got
just one question (which may simply be due to a lack of

Is it possible to warp the pointer to the center/top/bottom/left/right
of the window with the focus?

I've got everything set up very nicely to work via the keyboard and
with the mouse, but when rezising via the keyboard, it is a hassel
having to get the mouse pointer in the right position first. (Normally
the mouse is in the top left corner, from the last "Next [] focus"

I'ld like a function that works something like this:

AddToFunc Resize "I" WarpCenter
+ "ML" AttatchLeft
+ "MR" AttatchRight
+ "MU" AttatchUp
+ "MD" AttatchDown
+ "M" Resize

So with the first motion, the cursor attatches itself with one or two
sides (ei: Top Left) and any following motions then resize, with the
unattached sides being anchored, and the attatched side(s) moving.

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,

_______________________________ ._ o ________________________________
// Stephen Riehm / //\. Stephen.Riehm_at_pc-plus.de
\\\\ pc-plus ' \>> | Phone: +49 89 62030 148
//// 81539 Munich, Germany \\ ` Fax: +49 89 62030 113
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