Re: FVWM: FvwmButtons again

From: Olly Stephens <>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 11:40:13 -0800

In your message to you wrote:
|> Seems there was a serious bug left in FvwmButtons-020396 which made it
|> choke on most button configurations. New version which should be fairly
|> stable is made available at the same place
|> Seems that page is finally seeing some hits :-) So I put up a nice large
|> example with some menus and stuff. Enjoy.

This new version appears to be sound. Nice work!

Two caveats though:

  1. the new code relies on an XPM feature that is new with version 3.4g
     (the latest is 3.4h). I was quite happily building fvwm with 3.4f
     before these changes came along. I've upgraded now and everything
     is cool.

  2. the new code handles the search for bitmaps/pixmaps slightly differently.
     In some respects it's better because it now tells you when it encounters
     errors but the outcome of this for me was two-fold

       A. I had the same directory in my PixmapPath and my IconPath. Before
          the code would fail to read a xpm file as a bitmap but would then
          try again and succeed to read it as a pixmap. The new code stops
          at the first failure. I simply changed by IconPath so that it
          didn't clash with my PixmapPath

       B. the "whatever" mode for selecting no icon now gives an error
          message (before it was just silently ignored). I just changed
          my entries to use "-" when I don't want a pixmap which is what
          the new manual tells you to do.

Now, there's one more feature that I would really like to see; I'd like
to be able to set up a button that would, given a window name,
start the program and wait for the window to come up (like the default)
unless a window with that name already existed in which case it would
warp the desktop to that window.

As an example, I'd like my FrameMaker button to only ever start one copy - if
I press it and FrameMaker is already running, it should just change to the
desk that it's on.

Oh yeah, another one; It'd be nice if the button depressing had a timeout
value which would cause it to pop back up even though the window it was
looking for didn't come up.

Other than that, I'm happy with what it does. I'm gonna rearrange my
buttons now to make them look cool....


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