Re: FVWM: 2.0.41 patch: OpenLook support

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996 00:08:20 GMT

I have just recompiled fvwm-2.0.41 with the OpenLook support
patch from Andrew Taylor.

Making and installing fvwm is now much easier, especially for a
non root user, no more mucking around looking for DESTDIR in
Makefiles etc. Much better.

This second observation has more to do with the patch -
Sun's MailTool still doesn't work properly!
When mail arrives in an empty inbox (as is usual) the
new mail, when clicked on, comes up in an icon, not as
a window. This does not happen the first time.

Mmm, not sure that that sentence is very clear, I know
this is a well known problem but's a

Log in
Start mailtool
Mail arrives
Open mailtool, double click on mail
        Read Message pops up. Fine.
        Scrap or save mail.
        Click 'Done'
New Mail arrives
Open mailtool, double clock on mail
        Read Message pane appears as an icon.
        Very irritating.
Mailtool continues to (not) work in this manner.

The appearance of textedit icons and others is much improved but a patch
or module to handle mailtool's behaviour and/or push-pins would be
superb for the majority of Sun users.

Any help appreciated, failing that I might have to succumb to using another
X mailer, and I haven't found a decent one yet.

David Kennedy, Dept. of Pure & Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast
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