FVWM: fvwm 2.0pl41 and XFaces

From: Bret A. Schuhmacher <bas_at_wn.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 09:43:25 -36000

Anyone know if the newest fvwm works with xfaces any better than older
(i.e. 2.0pl39) fvwm releases? My xfaces icons and annotations get
clipped on the left side due, I'm told, to a quirk with fvwm.

Thanks for your reply,


PS - Please bear with me, I'm too lazy to ftp and compile the newest stuff
just to see if this has been changed ;-)

Bret A. Schuhmacher Email: bas_at_wn.com
Technical Director, WebNet Technologies WWW: http://www.wn.com
Voice/Fax: (214) 821-0848 Pager: (214) 816-0283

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Received on Fri Feb 23 1996 - 09:43:10 GMT

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