Re: FVWM: Placement Styles don't work

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 09:11:19 -0500

>>>>> "Andy" == spiegl <> writes:

Andy> Hi, FVWM-fans!
Andy> Thanks a lot for all your answers. The very first one that I got
Andy> already did the trick:

>> It's probably due to PPosition info for these windows. Try changing
>> the first line to:
>> Style "*" SmartPlacement, NoPPostion

Andy> That was it! I wonder why "NoPPostion" isn't mentioned in the
Andy> man page (fvwm2.0.39). Could you please put it in there?

I did a lot of doc updates this weekend for the next release (2.0.41)
which I'll hopefully get out today after a little more testing. This
is in there now.

Andy> But this other subject still riddles me:

>> >> I am using fvwm2.0.39 on an SGI Indigo (IRIX 5.3).
>> >>
>> >> In my .fvwm2rc I got those lines: (in this order)
>> >> Style "*" SmartPlacement
>> >> Style "winterm" ActivePlacement
>> >> Style "*Test*" ActivePlacement
>> >> Style "*Demo*" ActivePlacement
>> >>
>> >> I expected that all windows except the last three types would
>> >> be placed "smart". But in fact, *all* windows are placed "smart".
>> >> Is there something I didn't do right or is this a bug?

Kai> Isn't it that the first matching line counts? Have you tried
Kai> reversing the order of the lines?
>> Order shouldn't matter. The more specific ones should have
>> precedence.

Andy> So, why don't they, Chuck?

I misspoke slightly there... I believe it's actually more of a
combination of more specific and order. But the above order is
correct. "*" should always come first, otherwise it'll augment or
override everything else.

As for why those other ones weren't being placed Actively, I don't
know. I'll have to investigate that some.

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