Re: FVWM: FvwmButtons swallowing/unswallowing

From: Alexander Sorg <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 08:41:51 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 14 Feb 1996, Chris Rode wrote:

> writes:
> } And a PS to Alan Wild on swallow/unswallow etc. I don't think it would be
> } very hard to do, I just don't see any practical application of it.. But we
> } might as well keep it on the list for one of those boring sleepless night :-)
> the one instance i can see this as a useful feature is i'd like to be
> able to swallow my xlogout into FvwmButtons, but xlogout is started
> before fvwm on my system. right now i'm getting around this by using
> fvwm as my session manager as well, but just the way our system's login
> procedure works, it takes much longer for fvwm to start this way. (the
> wm is loaded, then any x apps specified in a ~/.startup.X11 file, then
> the session manager...) i can't really see a use for unswallowing, but
> somebody, sometime must have. :)

as it is now, whenever you restart fvwm all the apps in the fvwmbuttons
are closed. with swallow/unswallow they could be unswallowed before
the fvwmbuttons dies and swallowed again by the new instance of the
module. this would speed up the restart because the time to restart
all swalloed apps is saved.

you could also change the configuration for a single swalloed app,
unswallow, kill it and swallow the new instance of the same app.
right now you would have to restart the whole window manager.
obviously the unswallow here becomes obsolete if fvwm would allow
swalloed apps to die (which it doesn't right now)


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Received on Wed Feb 14 1996 - 07:45:21 GMT

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