(no subject)

From: Chris Rode <crode_at_iastate.edu>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 11:37:42 CST

alex_at_hsr.no writes:

} I have one question... IS it possible to make WinList module not to
} appear on the desktop? If it is possible, then how do u do that? :).
} Thanx...!

i'm not *exactly* sure what you're asking, but what i do is bind
FvwmWinList to mouse button 3 on the root window like this:

Mouse 3 R A Module FvwmWinList transient

this pops up the window list when i click with button 3 on the root
window, and closes it when i let go of the button (either by selecting a
window, or not...)


chris rode - crode_at_iastate.edu - http://www.public.iastate.edu/~crode/
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Received on Tue Feb 13 1996 - 11:38:06 GMT

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