Re: FVWM: Window Lists

From: 4-String <>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 1996 15:24:19 -0400 (AST)

On Fri, 2 Feb 1996, Jonathan Watson wrote:

> If you download the FvwmIconMan-0.2.tar.gz file in /pub/fvwm/misc from
> you might get somthing like what you are looking for. It
> is an Icon Manager module for FVWM written by Brady Montz that hasn't yet
> been included in the releases. It is designed to be similar to the one in vtwm.
> I use it, but I don't use the multi-manager options. With a little
> tinkering it should do what you want.
> Jon Watson

I managed to find this little item as well...It compiled OK but it will
not run...whenever I try to run it nothing happens. I do a "ps -u" and
according to it I'm not running it. Any help would be appreciated.

| Shane [4-String] Spinney | "Life is what happens to |
| BSc(CS) at University of New Brunswick | you while you're busy |
| Fredericton, NB, Canada | making other plans." |
| , | - John Lennon |

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Received on Fri Feb 02 1996 - 13:24:27 GMT

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