Re: FVWM: Re: is this a bug?

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 15:54:57 GMT

All this talk of netscape reminds me:

I use netscape from my button bar with no problems, but a friend uses it on an NCD terminal
and on his it runs fine but all helper apps come up with something like
sh:xv cannot exec or similar.

I have no idea why, any help or similar help appreciated.

It runs fine from an xterm but not from the buttons. However I tried to run it
through an xterm (exec xterm -e netscape and so on) but nothing helps.

I've just found out that we are moving to Solaris 2.5 over the weekend so I'll have to
recompile fvwm2 again probably. Agh!
David Kennedy, Dept. of Pure & Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast
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