FVWM: trouble with xrsh

From: Oreos <james_at_park6.student.harvard.edu>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 01:53:27 -0500 (EST)

This is a portion of my .fvwm2rc
it calls xrsh which opens an xterm on a remote workstation with the
display on my computer. for some reason it works from my prompt and it
also works if i send it to FvwmTalk, but if i click on it in the menu,
nothing happens.

just regard the "scws35" part as one continuous line.
am i doing something idiotic?

AddToMenu Xterms ""
+ "scws35" Exec exec xrsh -l park6 -auth xauth -pass ENV scws35 xterm -ls -d


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Received on Sat Jan 20 1996 - 00:53:33 GMT

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