FVWM: SmartPlacement style is not smart enough :-)

From: <matusita_at_ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 01:37:11 +0900

Suppose folloing situation:

        * Prepare blank desktop (let me set desktop number 1)
        * Prepare another desktop, and place some window.
          (let me set desktop number 2)
          when placing windows, fill upper-left corner of display.
        * Suppose
                Style "foobar" StartsOnDesk 1, SkipMapping
          is set.
        * change desktop to 1
        * invoke foobar and see what's happen. ---(a)
        * close "foobar" application
        * change desktop to 2
        * invoke foobar and see what's happen. ---(b)

Result of (a) and (b) is NOT the same. In case (a), foobar is placed
upper-left of the display, but in case (b), place of foobar depends on
desktop number 2's current placements of window.

This behavior is not that same as what we expected. I think fvwm
should treat "which desktop to place".

I take a grance into source code of fvwm, and found that this is a
SmartPlacement() (in fvwm/placement.c) problem. In fact,
SmartPlacement() treats only CURRENT desktop when calculating position
of window. But sorry now I don't have enough time to make a patch to
fix. Anyone ?

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Received on Thu Dec 21 1995 - 10:37:30 GMT

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