FVWM: Re: Re: xpaint crashes with fvwm-2.0.39?

From: Eric Ding <ericding_at_San-Jose.ate.slb.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 95 10:42:23 PST

>>>>> jon_at_fwi.uva.nl (Jon Mountjoy) writes:

> Surely this is a fault of xpaint then? If you load the file from the menu
> it works fine, so I assume that *xpaint* has a bug with startup and
> bad colourmap configuration.
> Is this so? (If true,
> we need to contact owner,
> else
> pipe bitbucket
> )

Yes, it's the fault (and a well-known one) of xpaint, not of fvwm. I don't
remember why it hasn't been addressed -- perhaps he is no longer
maintaining it?


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