Re: FVWM: FvwmButtons: popup on button down?

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 12:54:44 -0500

>>>>> "gm" == Gregory Margo <> writes:

gm> I use a popup menu on the button bar to take my ppp link up/down.
gm> In order to popup the menu, I have to click and release mouse
gm> button 1 on the appropriate button.

gm> What I really want is to have the menu popup on a "button down"
gm> event, not "button up", just like the root menus. Is there any
gm> way to do this?

gm> Here are the appropriate sections from .fvwm2rc (2.0.39)

gm> AddToMenu "PPP" "PPP" Title
gm> + "PPP-up" Exec exec /usr/local/bin/pppup > /dev/console 2>&1 &
gm> + "PPP-down" Exec exec /usr/local/bin/pppdown > /dev/console 2>&1 &

gm> *FvwmButtons PPP calvin2-trans.xpm Menu "PPP"

gm> If this is an rtfm, let me know and I'll read it more closely.

It is, more or less. Try using 'Popup "PPP"' instead of 'Menu "PPP"'

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Received on Wed Nov 29 1995 - 11:55:01 GMT

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