FVWM: tkgoodstuff fvwm client

From: <mark.crimmins_at_umich.edu>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 22:43:22 -0500

Hi Fvwm'ers,

I've written a freeware Tcl/Tk button bar thing which I presumptuously
call "tkgoodstuff". It is like FvwmButtons in being a button panel,
but is written in an interpreted language, so it's easy to modify, and
it comes with "clients": analog/digital alarm clock, dialup net
connection dialer/monitor, biff, www launcher, xload, menu button,
etc., etc.. The benefit is supposed to be that it's configureable and
just one process. It can't "swallow" (yet!), but given it's built-in
clients that's not so often a problem. This is not an advertisement,
though. In fact, I feel a little sheepish posting to the fvwm list,
since tkgoodstuff is sort of a competitor to FvwmButtons (which is

Here's the point: I have used the "tkfvwm" extension to tk (by Andreas
Aravena) to make a fvwm "client" for tkgoodstuff, which turns
tkgoodstuff into an fvwm module (didn't Mr. Nation hisself suggest
somewhere that Tcl/Tk modules would make sense?). It allows the
buttons you create to talk to fvwm (so you can focus on an emacs
window or create one if necessary). Also, it implements a sort of
win95-like icon window (also a bit like FvwmIconBox). Anyway, I'm
posting here because I thought y'all'd be the best possible beta
testers for this thing. I'd very much appreciate any advice about
functionality, bugs, etc.

Relevant stuff:
 docs and screenshots:

     tkfvwm0.5+.tgz (for fvwm2)
     ../tkxpm4.1.tgz (for xpm functionality)

 requires Tcl7.5/Tk4.1 (ftp://ftp.smli.com/pub/tcl)

Thanks for any feedback,
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Received on Thu Nov 16 1995 - 21:43:20 GMT

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