Re: FVWM: tips for fvwm 2.0.38

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 10:19:03 -0500

>>>>> "Emiel" == Emiel Witteman <ewittema_at_WI.LeidenUniv.NL> writes:

Emiel> Hello,
Emiel> I switched from fvwm 1.24r to fvwm 2.0.38 and although fvwm 2
Emiel> adds new Style options, I still miss one: I would like to have
Emiel> a NeverFocus, a ClickToFocus is nice but not sufficient. For
Emiel> example I would to like to click on the FvwmButtons windows
Emiel> without it recieving focus.

An interesting idea. Normally the programs themselves should take
care of this, but this sounds interesting. I'll add it to the TO-DO
list as an idea, but if it does happen it won't be until after the
great Style flag update...

Emiel> And one other thing: What happend to TogglePage? The FAQ said
Emiel> it is obsoleted, but I used it alot with fvwm 1 and am using
Emiel> fvwm 1 again cause I can't live without it....

Enough people have complained about that, so it may reappear...

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Received on Thu Nov 16 1995 - 09:19:20 GMT

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