FVWM: xlock...error or ??

From: Todd Fries <tfries_at_umr.edu>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 02:29:48 -0600 (CST)

The situation:

   I run 'xlock -blank' so as to not annoy my rommate when I
   go to bed. I get a white screen.

The details:

   (relevent portions of files read by .fvwmrc: )

   ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
   Style "*" SloppyFocus

which results in I can have my mouse over, netscape, or xdoom, and move it
away, and the colormap doesn't shift and I don't have to keep the mouse in
the window...

However, when I run xlock, to brin the menu up from the backgorund, momentarily,
the pallette switches from the netscape pallete to the 'normal' "fvwm's"
colormap, and then back to the netscape colormap as I release the xlock
menuitem, as it should.

However, running 'xlock -install' does not allow 'xlock -install -mode blank'
to show a 'blank, black' screen, instead a palette-shifted blazing white!

Is this the wm or xlock's problem?

Todd Fries...tfries_at_umr.edu
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Received on Thu Nov 16 1995 - 02:53:38 GMT

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