FVWM: Re: Re[2]: Re: blanking screen for a long time

From: Eric Ding <ericding_at_San-Jose.ate.slb.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 95 13:01:38 PST

>>>>> eoloughlin_at_telecom.ie writes:

> What about making a copy of the root window and mapping that over
> everything. That way, it would appear as if all windows were just
> unmapped until things were ready.
> I might be better to do this sort of thing in a module(?).

uh... no. I think that's probably a poor idea. Just imagine: "La dee da,
let's restart the window man... AAH!!!!! AAAAAAAH!! It killed all my ---
oh... grr.. that's right, it's just fvwm..."

Schlumberger Technologies, ATE Division    |                  ding2_at_slb.com
1601 Technology Drive                     -*- ericding_at_San-Jose.ate.slb.com
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Received on Thu Nov 09 1995 - 15:01:43 GMT

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