Re: FVWM: Re: icon handling in fvwm2

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 09:12:34 -0500

>>>>> "Austin" == Austin Donnelly <> writes:

Austin> On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Austin Donnelly wrote:

Austin> Well, I've now implemented this scheme. The syntax has
Austin> changed slightly, the quotes (") being replaced by square
Austin> brackets ([]).

Austin> Icon handling similar to fvwm-1.24 can be had by a line like:

Austin> Style "*" IconPlacement [IconBox&Visible, Anywhere&Visible, IconBox,
Austin> Anywhere, Here]

Austin> (line wrapped by me)

Austin> Could people please give my patches a spin, and see if I've
Austin> left any bugs ?

Austin> (patches are relative to fvwm-2.0pl38, gziped to save space)

Austin> Chuck, would you consider putting this patch into fvmw2 when
Austin> it (the patch) stabilises ?

Sounds interesting. I'll check it out and if it seems ok and non
detrimental, sure I'll add it.

But why did you change the "" to []?

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Received on Thu Nov 09 1995 - 08:13:01 GMT

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