FVWM: unclutter

From: Allan Poindexter <allan_at_royal-oak.csc.ti.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 1995 17:27:45 -0600

I use a tool called unclutter which makes the mouse disappear after a short
time of no movement. It works pretty well with fvwm with two small

1. if the mouse is on a sticky frame.

2. if the mouse is over the text area of an icon (curiously it is not affected
over the graphic portion of the icon).

The problem is that if you leave the mouse in one of these areas until it
disappears then the keys for fvwm are disabled even keys defined to be active
in every context. Since moving the mouse brings the mouse back it is only a
minor nuisance. Still if someone has any ideas that would be helpful. I am
currently under 1.24r. Maybe it could be converted to a module. Or maybe
fvwm already has a feature that will do this. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, dex

 * unclutter: remove idle cursor image from screen so that it doesnt
 * obstruct the area you are looking at.
 * doesn't do it if cursor is in root window or a button is down.
 * Tries to cope with jitter if you have a mouse that twitches.
 * Unfortunately, clients like emacs set different text cursor
 * shapes depending on whether they have pointer focus or not.
 * Try to kid them with a synthetic EnterNotify event.
 * Whereas version 1 did a grab cursor, version 2 creates a small subwindow.
 * This may work better with some window managers.
 * Some servers return a Visibility event when the subwindow is mapped.
 * Sometimes this is Unobscured, or even FullyObscured. Ignore these and
 * rely on LeaveNotify events. (An InputOnly window is not supposed to get
 * visibility events.)
 * Mark M Martin. cetia sep 1992 mmm_at_cetia.fr
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "vroot.h"

char *progname;
pexit(str)char *str;{
    fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",progname,str);
        -display <display>\n\
        -idle <seconds> time between polls to detect idleness.\n\
        -jitter <pixels> pixels mouse can twitch without moving\n\
        -grab use grabpointer method not createwindow\n\
        -reset reset the timer whenever cursor becomes\n\
                                        visible even if it hasn't moved\n\
         -root apply to cursor on root window too\n\
        -onescreen apply only to given screen of display\n\
         -visible ignore visibility events\n\
         -noevents dont send pseudo events\n\
        -not names... dont apply to windows whose wm-name begins.\n\
                                (must be last argument)");

#define ALMOSTEQUAL(a,b) (abs(a-b)<=jitter)
#define ANYBUTTON (Button1Mask|Button2Mask|Button3Mask|Button4Mask|Button5Mask)

/* Since the small window we create is a child of the window the pointer is
 * in, it can be destroyed by its adoptive parent. Hence our destroywindow()
 * can return an error, saying it no longer exists. Similarly, the parent
 * window can disappear while we are trying to create the child. Trap and
 * ignore these errors.
int (*defaulthandler)();
int errorhandler(display,error)
Display *display;
XErrorEvent *error;

char **names; /* -> argv list of names to avoid */

 * return true if window has a wm_name and the start of it matches
 * one of the given names to avoid
Display *display;
Window window;
    char **cpp;
    char *name;

    if(names==0)return 0;
    if(XFetchName (display, window, &name)){
        for(cpp = names;*cpp!=0;cpp++){
    return 0;
 * create a small 1x1 curssor with all pixels masked out on the given screen.
Display *display;
Window root;
    Pixmap cursormask;
    XGCValues xgc;
    GC gc;
    XColor dummycolour;
    Cursor cursor;

    cursormask = XCreatePixmap(display, root, 1, 1, 1/*depth*/);
    xgc.function = GXclear;
    gc = XCreateGC(display, cursormask, GCFunction, &xgc);
    XFillRectangle(display, cursormask, gc, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    dummycolour.pixel = 0;
    dummycolour.red = 0;
    dummycolour.flags = 04;
    cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, cursormask, cursormask,
              &dummycolour,&dummycolour, 0,0);
    return cursor;

main(argc,argv)char **argv;{
    Display *display;
    int screen,oldx = -99,oldy = -99,numscreens;
    int doroot = 0, jitter = 0, idletime = 5, usegrabmethod = 0, waitagain = 0,
        dovisible = 1, doevents = 1, onescreen = 0;
    Cursor *cursor;
    Window *realroot;
    Window root;
    char *displayname = 0;
    progname = *argv;
            idletime = atoi(*argv);
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-jitter")==0){
            jitter = atoi(*argv);
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-noevents")==0){
            doevents = 0;
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-root")==0){
            doroot = 1;
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-grab")==0){
            usegrabmethod = 1;
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-reset")==0){
            waitagain = 1;
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-onescreen")==0){
            onescreen = 1;
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-visible")==0){
            dovisible = 0;
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-not")==0){
            /* take rest of srg list */
            names = ++argv;
            if(*names==0)names = 0; /* no args follow */
            argc = 0;
        }else if(strcmp(*argv,"-display")==0 || strcmp(*argv,"-d")==0){
            displayname = *argv;
        }else usage();
    display = XOpenDisplay(displayname);
    if(display==0)pexit("could not open display");
    numscreens = ScreenCount(display);
    cursor = (Cursor*) malloc(numscreens*sizeof(Cursor));
    realroot = (Window*) malloc(numscreens*sizeof(Window));

    /* each screen needs its own empty cursor.
     * note each real root id so can find which screen we are on
    for(screen = 0;screen<numscreens;screen++)
        if(onescreen && screen!=DefaultScreen(display)){
            realroot[screen] = -1;
            cursor[screen] = -1;
            realroot[screen] = XRootWindow(display,screen);
            cursor[screen] = createnullcursor(display,realroot[screen]);
    screen = DefaultScreen(display);
    root = VirtualRootWindow(display,screen);

        defaulthandler = XSetErrorHandler(errorhandler);
     * create a small unmapped window on a screen just so xdm can use
     * it as a handle on which to killclient() us.
    XCreateWindow(display, realroot[screen], 0,0,1,1, 0, CopyFromParent,
                 InputOutput, CopyFromParent, 0, (XSetWindowAttributes*)0);

        Window dummywin,windowin,newroot;
        int rootx,rooty,winx,winy;
        unsigned int modifs;
        Window lastwindowavoided = None;
        /* wait for pointer to not move and no buttons down */
            if(!XQueryPointer(display, root, &newroot, &windowin,
                         &rootx, &rooty, &winx, &winy, &modifs)){
                /* window manager with virtual root may have restarted
                 * or we have changed screens */
                    for(screen = 0;screen<numscreens;screen++)
                        pexit("not on a known screen");
                root = VirtualRootWindow(display,screen);
            }else if((!doroot && windowin==None) || (modifs & ANYBUTTON) ||
                     !(ALMOSTEQUAL(rootx,oldx) && ALMOSTEQUAL(rooty,oldy))){
                oldx = rootx, oldy = rooty;
            }else if(windowin==None){
                windowin = root;
            }else if(windowin!=lastwindowavoided){
                /* descend tree of windows under cursor to bottommost */
                Window childin;
                int toavoid = xFalse;
                lastwindowavoided = childin = windowin;
                    windowin = childin;
                    if(nameinlist (display, windowin)){
                        toavoid = xTrue;
                }while(XQueryPointer(display, windowin, &dummywin,
                     &childin, &rootx, &rooty, &winx, &winy, &modifs)
                       && childin!=None);
                    lastwindowavoided = None;
        /* wait again next time */
            oldx = -1-jitter;
            if(XGrabPointer(display, root, 0,
                    GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, cursor[screen],
                /* wait for a button event or large cursor motion */
                XEvent event;
                }while(event.type==MotionNotify &&
                       ALMOSTEQUAL(rootx,event.xmotion.x) &&
                XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime);
            XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
            XEvent event;
            Window cursorwindow;
            /* create small input-only window under cursor
             * as a sub window of the window currently under the cursor
            attributes.event_mask = LeaveWindowMask |
                        EnterWindowMask |
                        StructureNotifyMask |
                attributes.event_mask |= VisibilityChangeMask;
            attributes.override_redirect = True;
            attributes.cursor = cursor[screen];
            cursorwindow = XCreateWindow
                (display, windowin,
                 winx-jitter, winy-jitter,
                 jitter*2+1, jitter*2+1, 0, CopyFromParent,
                 InputOnly, CopyFromParent,
                 CWOverrideRedirect | CWEventMask | CWCursor,
            /* discard old events for previously created windows */
             * Dont wait for expose/map cos override and inputonly(?).
             * Check that created window captured the pointer by looking
             * for inevitable EnterNotify event that must follow MapNotify.
             * [Bug fix thanks to Charles Hannum <mycroft_at_ai.mit.edu>]
            if(!XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, cursorwindow, EnterNotify,
                oldx = -1-jitter; /* slow down retry */
                     * send a pseudo EnterNotify event to the parent window
                     * to try to convince application that we didnt really leave it
                    event.xcrossing.type = EnterNotify;
                    event.xcrossing.display = display;
                    event.xcrossing.window = windowin;
                    event.xcrossing.root = root;
                    event.xcrossing.subwindow = None;
                    event.xcrossing.time = CurrentTime;
                    event.xcrossing.x = winx;
                    event.xcrossing.y = winy;
                    event.xcrossing.x_root = rootx;
                    event.xcrossing.y_root = rooty;
                    event.xcrossing.mode = NotifyNormal;
                    event.xcrossing.same_screen = True;
                    event.xcrossing.focus = True;
                    event.xcrossing.state = modifs;
                /* wait till pointer leaves window */
                }while(event.type!=LeaveNotify &&
                       event.type!=FocusOut &&
                       event.type!=UnmapNotify &&
                       event.type!=ConfigureNotify &&
                       event.type!=CirculateNotify &&
                       event.type!=ReparentNotify &&
                       event.type!=DestroyNotify &&
                       (event.type!=VisibilityNotify ||
                /* check if a second unclutter is running cos they thrash */
                if(event.type==LeaveNotify &&
                   event.xcrossing.window==cursorwindow &&
                    pexit("someone created a sub-window to my sub-window! giving up");
            XDestroyWindow(display, cursorwindow);
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