Re: FVWM: Re: blanking screen for a long time

From: Todd Fries <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 11:24:51 -0600 (CST)

> >>>>> "Todd" == Todd Fries <> writes:
> Todd> It used to be that when one restarted fvwm, the apps would, one
> Todd> by one, get their boarders 'removed' and then a pause and then
> Todd> one by one they'd get boarders once more. Now, the whole screen
> Todd> goes black, and everything must re-fresh itself as it gesta
> Todd> boarder...
> Todd> WHY?
> Rob added some calls to black out the screen during window captures so
> you wouldn't have to see all that happening. I'm going to make it an
> optional feature, I think, since I like to know that fvwm is actually
> doing something during this blackout...
> Chuck

Kewel! I was wondering I know...and am glad you see fit to offer
it as a choice!

<a>Todd T. Fries</a>
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Received on Mon Nov 06 1995 - 11:52:03 GMT

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