FVWM: Please send your .fvwm2rc

From: Brian P Millett <bpm_at_vlad.terraweb.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 08:45:22 -0600

Bret A. Schuhmacher writes:
 |I'll take anything you
 |have to offer (beggars can't be choosers, you know ;-)).

Well, Bret, here is my simple fvwm2rc that I've set up to run most of
the openwin apps that you get in openwindoze.
# this is a sample .fvwmrc file for fvwm-2.
# Apparantly, you can retrieve sample .fvwmrc's from 
# 	ftp://ftp.best.com/pub/tdgilman/Fvwmrcs
# you can also submit your favourite .fvwmrc to
#	tdgilman_at_best.com 
# if you want to.
# small up triangle
ButtonStyle 2 4 50x35_at_1 65x65_at_0 35x65_at_0 50x35_at_1
# small down triangle
ButtonStyle 4 4 50x65_at_1 35x35_at_1 65x35_at_1 50x65_at_0
# some other ButtonStyles:
# large up triangle
#ButtonStyle 2 4 50x25_at_1 75x75_at_0 25x75_at_0 50x25_at_1
# large down triangle
#ButtonStyle 4 4 50x75_at_1 25x25_at_1 75x25_at_1 50x75_at_0
# big box
#ButtonStyle 2 5 25x25_at_1 25x75_at_1 75x75_at_0 75x25_at_0 25x25_at_1
# little box
#ButtonStyle 8 5 40x40_at_1 60x40_at_1 60x60_at_0 40x60_at_0 40x40_at_1
# tall box
#ButtonStyle 6 5 40x25_at_1 60x25_at_1 60x75_at_0 40x75_at_0 40x25_at_1
# dot
#ButtonStyle 4 5 45x45_at_1 55x45_at_1 55x55_at_0 45x55_at_0 45x45_at_1
# an up arrow:
#ButtonStyle 2 8 40x80_at_1 40x50_at_1 20x50_at_1 50x20_at_1 80x50_at_0 60x50_at_0 60x80_at_0 40x80_at_0
# an X
#ButtonStyle 3 13 26x29_at_1 34x21_at_1 50x35_at_1 70x21_at_1 79x29_at_1 63x48_at_0 79x65_at_1 70x75_at_0 50x61_at_0 34x75_at_0 26x65_at_0 44x48_at_1 26x29_at_0
EdgeResistance 700 100
WindowFont		-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
IconFont		fixed
EdgeScroll 100 100
ModulePath /usr/local/lib/X11/fvwm2
PixmapPath /usr/local/include/X11/pixmaps/
IconPath   /usr/local/include/X11/bitmaps/
HilightColor   Black #5f9ea0
DeskTopSize 2x1
MenuStyle   Black grey SlateGrey -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-*-*-100-100-*-*-*-* mwm
ClickTime 750
ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
Style "*"           BorderWidth 5,HandleWidth 5,Color Black/#60a0c0,Icon unknown1.xpm,ClicktoFocus
Style "*"           ActivePlacement, SmartPlacement
Style "*"           MWMFunctions,MWMDecor,MWMButtons,HintOverride
Style "*"           DecorateTransient,IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
Style "Fvwm*"       NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,
Style "Fvwm*"       BorderWidth 0,CirculateSkipIcon
Style "Fvwm Pager"  StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmPager"   StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmBanner"  StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmButtons" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "FvwmButtons" BorderWidth 0, CirculateSkip
Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm,ClickToFocus
Style "*lock"       NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "*lock"	    RandomPlacement
Style "xbiff"       NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip,ClickToFocus
Style "*emacs*"	    Icon xemacs.xpm,ClicktoFocus
Style "Maker"       StartsOnDesk 1,RandomPlacement,ClickToFocus
Style "matlab"      StartsOnDesk 3
Style "signal"      StartsOnDesk 3 
Style "rxvt"        Icon  term.xpm,SloppyFocus,IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
Style "XTerm"       Icon xterm.xpm,IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
Style "XTerm"       Color black/#aa80aa,MWMBorder,MWMButtons
Style "Appointment" Icon datebook.xpm, NoButton 2, NoButton 4,ClickToFocus
Style "xcalc"       Icon xcalc.xpm, NoButton 2,RandomPlacement,ClickToFocus
Style "xmh"         Icon mail1.xpm, NoIconTitle,StickyIcon
Style "xmh"	    RandomPlacement, StartsOnDesk 2, NoButton 2
Style "xman"	    Icon xman.xpm,RandomPlacement,ClickToFocus
Style "xvgr"	    Icon graphs.xpm,RandomPlacement,ClickToFocus
Style "matlab"	    Icon math4.xpm,ClickToFocus
Style "xmag"	    Icon mag_glass.xpm,RandomPlacement, ClickToFocus
Style "xgraph"      Icon graphs.xpm,RandomPlacement,ClickToFocus
Style "sppeed6"     Icon math3.xpm,NoTitle,ClickToFocus
Style "sppeed6_user" Icon math4.xpm,NoTitle
Style "xmosaic"     NoPPosition, color Green/Yellow,ClickToFocus
# Stuff to do at start-up
AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Desk 0 0
+              "I" Exec xsetroot -solid "#bfa498"
+              "I" Exec exec xterm -fn 5x8 -fg OrangeRed -bg white -sb -g 80x6+0+0 -name Console -T Console -C -e su -&
+              "I" Module FvwmButtons
+              "I" Desk 0 1
+              "I" Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -geo 80x25
AddToFunc "RestartFunction" "I" Exec xsetroot -solid "#bfa498"
+              "I" Module FvwmButtons
# Now define some handy complex functions
# This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
# only raises the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double 
# click
AddToFunc "Move-or-Raise" "M" Move
+              "M" Raise
+              "C" Raise
+              "D" RaiseLower
# This one maximizes vertically if you click (leaving room for the GoodStuff bar at the
# bottom, or does a full maximization if you double click, or a true full vertical 
# maximization if you just hold the mouse button down.
AddToFunc "maximize_func" "M" Maximize 0 100
+              "C" Maximize 0 80
+              "D" Maximize 100 100
# This one moves and then lowers the window if you drag the mouse,
# only lowers the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double 
# click
AddToFunc "Move-or-Lower" "M" Move
+              "M" Lower
+              "C" Lower
+              "D" RaiseLower
# This one moves or (de)iconifies:
AddToFunc "Move-or-Iconify" "M" Move
+              "D" Iconify
# This one resizes and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
# only raises the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double 
# click
AddToFunc "Resize-or-Raise" "M" Resize
+              "M" Raise
+              "C" Raise
+              "D" RaiseLower
AddToFunc "Resize-or-Lower" "M" Resize
+              "C" Lower
+              "D" RaiseLower
#now define the menus - defer bindings until later
# This menu is invoked as a sub-menu - it allows you to quit,
# restart, or switch to another WM.
AddToMenu "Quit-Verify" "Really Quit Fvwm?" Title
+              "Yes, Really Quit" Quit
+              "Restart fvwm2" Restart /usr/local/bin/X11/fvwm2
+              "Start olwm" Restart /usr/openwin/bin/olwm
+              "" Nop
+              "No, Don't Quit" Nop
# Provides a list of modules to fire off
AddToMenu "Module-Popup" "Modules" Title
+              "FvwmButtons" Module FvwmButtons
+              "Clean-Up" Module FvwmClean
+              "Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+              "SaveDesktop" Module FvwmSave
+              "Debug" Module FvwmDebug
+              "Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 3
+              "FvwmWinList" Module FvwmWinList
###################################### BPM STUFF ###
AddToMenu "ArchieMenu" "Archie Hosts" TITLE
+              "" Nop
+              "archie.unl.edu" Exec exec xterm -l -sb -sl 512 -e telnet archie.unl.edu &
+              "archie.internic.net" Exec exec xterm -l -sb -sl 512 -e telnet archie.internic.net&
+              "archie.rutgers.edu" Exec exec xterm -l -sb -sl 512 -e telnet archie.rutgers.edu &
+              "archie.ans.net" Exec exec xterm -l -sb -sl 512 -e telnet archie.ans.net &
+              "archie.sura.net" Exec exec xterm -l -sb -sl 512 -e telnet archie.sura.net &
AddToMenu "LoginMenu" "Host Remote Logins" TITLE
+              "" Nop
+              "Terra" Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T terra -n Terra -e rlogin terra.terraweb.com &
+              "Luna" Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T luna -n Luna -e rlogin luna.terraweb.com &
+              "Mundo" Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T mundo -n Mundo -e rlogin mundo.terraweb.com &
+              "Thunder" Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T thunder -n Thunder -e rlogin thunder.techapp.com &
+              "Caramello" Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T caramello -n Caramello -e rlogin caramello.techapp.com &
+              "whois" Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -e telnet nic.ddn.mil &
+              "Archie" Popup ArchieMenu
+              "Telnet" Exec exec xterm -sl 240 -sb -geo 80x25 -T Telnet -n Telnet -e telnet &
+              "EVP" Exec exec xterm -sb -sl 512 -e telnet future &
AddToMenu "LockMenu" "Lock Methods" TITLE
+              "Bat" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode bat
+              "Rorschach" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode blot
+              "Bounce" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode bounce
+              "Clock" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode clock
+              "Flame" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode flame
+              "Forest" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode forest
+              "Galaxy" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode galaxy
+              "Geometry" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode geometry
+              "Grav" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode grav
+              "Helix" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode helix
+              "Fractals" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode hop
+              "Hyper" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode hyper
+              "Kaleid" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode kaleid
+              "Laser" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode laser
+              "Life" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode life
+              "Life3d" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode life3d
+              "Maze" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode maze
+              "Mountain" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode mountain
+              "Pyro" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode pyro
+              "Qix" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode qix
+              "Rect" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode rect
+              "Rock" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode rock
+              "Rotor" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode rotor
+              "Sphere" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode sphere
+              "Spiral" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode spiral
+              "Spline" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode spline
+              "Swarm" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode swarm
+              "Wator" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode wator
+              "World" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode world
+              "Worm" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode worm
+              "Swirl" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode swirl
+              "Image" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode image
+              "Blank" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode blank
+              "Random Mode" Exec exec xlock -allowroot -mode random
AddToMenu "LayoutMenu" "Layout Helps" TITLE
+              "Xcolorsel" Exec exec xcolorsel &
+              "Xfontsel" Exec exec xfontsel &
AddToMenu "ToolsMenu" "X11 Tools" TITLE
+              "Screen Locks" Popup LockMenu
+              "Layout Helps" Popup LayoutMenu
AddToMenu "RootMenu3" "System Tools" TITLE
+              "X11 Tools" Popup ToolsMenu
+              "" Nop
+              "Modules" Popup Module-Popup
+              "" Nop
+              "Exit Fvwm " Popup Quit-Verify
#	OpenWindows default root menu file - Programs submenu
AddToMenu "OpenwindowsMenu" "Openwindows Programs" Title
+              "File Manager..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/filemgr &
+              "Text Editor..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/textedit &
+              "Mail Tool..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/mailtool &
+              "Calendar Manager..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/cm &
+              "" Nop
+              "Command Tool..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/cmdtool &
+              "Shell Tool..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/shelltool &
+              "" Nop
+              "Clock..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/clock &
+              "Calculator..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/calctool &
+              "Performance Meter..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/perfmeter &
+              "Print Tool..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/printtool &
+              "Audio Tool..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/audiotool &
+              "Tape Tool..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/tapetool &
+              "CD Player Tool..." Exec exec /usr/local/bin/workman &
+              "" Nop
+              "Image Tool..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/imagetool &
+              "Snapshot..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/snapshot &
+              "Icon Editor..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/iconedit &
+              "Binder..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/binder &
+              "AnswerBook..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/answerbook &
+              "" Nop
+              "Demos..." Exec exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/filemgr -d $OPENWINHOME/demo/add &
AddToMenu "WebMenu" "Web Browsers" TITLE
+              "Mosaic" Exec exec Mosaic -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+              "Mozilla" Exec exec netscape -install -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+              "Arena" Exec exec arena -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
+              "HotJava" Exec exec hotjava -display $HOSTDISPLAY &
AddToMenu "X11Menu" "X11 Programs" TITLE
+              "Sokoban" Exec exec xsokoban&
+              "Cbzone" Exec exec cbzone &
+              "Dog Fight" Exec exec acm &
+              "FirePower" Exec exec xfire &
+              "Galaga" Exec exec xgal &
+              "" Nop
+              "XV " Exec exec xv &
+              "XPaint " Exec exec xpaint &
+              "Xman " Exec exec xman &
+              "Xmag " Exec exec xmag &
+              "Calculator " Exec exec xcalc &
# This menu will fire up some very common utilities
AddToMenu "Programs" "Programs" Title
+              "Emacs" Exec exec xemacs &
+              "Web Browsers" Popup WebMenu
+              "X11 Programs" Popup X11Menu
+              "Openwindow Programs" Popup OpenwindowsMenu
+              "Host Logins" Popup LoginMenu
# This defines the most common window operations
AddToMenu "Window" "Window Ops" Title
+              "New Window " Exec exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb &
+              "" Nop
+              "Move" Function Move-or-Raise
+              "Resize" Function Resize-or-Raise
+              "Raise" Raise
+              "Lower" Lower
+              "(De)Iconify" Iconify
+              "(Un)Stick" Stick
+              "(Un)Maximize" Function maximize_func
+              "" Nop
+              "Kill" Destroy
+              "Close" Delete
+              "" Nop
+              "Refresh Screen" Refresh
+              "" Nop
+              "New Console" Exec exec xterm -fn 5x8 -fg OrangeRed -bg white -sb -g 80x6+0+0 -name Console -T Console -C -e su -&
# One more complex function - couldn't be defined earlier because it used 
# pop-up menus
# This creates a motif-ish sticky menu for the title-bar window-ops
# pop-up
# Menu acts like normal twm menu if you just hold the button down,
# but if you click instead, the menu stays up, motif style
AddToFunc "window_ops_func" "C" PopUp Window Ops2
+              "M" PopUp Window Ops2
# Motif would add
#       Delete  "DoubleClick"  
# This defines the mouse bindings
# First, for the mouse in the root window
# Button 1 gives the Utilities menu
# Button 2 gives the Window Ops menu
# Button 3 gives the WindowList (like TwmWindows)
# I use the AnyModifier (A) option for the modifier field, so you can hold down
# any shift-control-whatever combination you want!
#     Button	Context Modifi 	Function
Mouse 1		R   	A       Menu "Programs" Nop
Mouse 2		R    	A       Menu "Window" Nop
Mouse 3		R    	A       Menu "RootMenu3" Nop
# Now the title bar buttons
# Any button in the left title-bar button gives the window ops menu
# Any button in the right title-bar button Iconifies the window
# Any button in the rightmost title-bar button maximizes
# Note the use of "Mouse 0" for AnyButton.
#     Button	Context Modifi 	Function
Mouse 0		1    	A      	Function "window_ops_func"
Mouse 0		2    	A     	Function "maximize_func"
Mouse 0		4    	A     	Iconify
# Now the rest of the frame
# Here I invoke my complex functions for Move-or-lower, Move-or-raise,
# and Resize-or-Raise. 
# Button 1 in the corner pieces, with any modifiers, gives resize or raise
Mouse 1		FS	A	Function "Resize-or-Raise"
Mouse 2		FS	A	Function "Resize-or-Lower"
# Button 1 in the title, sides, or icon, w/ any modifiers, gives move or raise
Mouse 1		T	A	Function "Move-or-Raise"
Mouse 2		T	A	Function "Move-or-Lower"
# Button 1 in an icons gives move for a drag, de-iconify for a double-click,
# nothing for a single click
# Button 2 in an icon, w/ any modifiers, gives de-iconify
Mouse 1		I	A	Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 2		I	A	Iconify
# Button 2 in the corners, sides, or title-bar gives the window ops menu
Mouse 2		FST	A	Function "window_ops_func"
# Button 3 anywhere in the decoration (except the title-bar buttons)
# does a raise-lower
Mouse 3		TSIF	A	RaiseLower
# Button 3 in the window, with the Modifier-1 key (usually alt or diamond)
# gives Raise-Lower. Used to use control here, but that interferes with xterm
Mouse 3         W       M       RaiseLower
################## FvwmButtons button-bar ################################
# Colors
*FvwmButtonsFore Black
*FvwmButtonsBack #908090
# Font
*FvwmButtonsFont -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# Geometry - really likes to pick its own size, but giving a position is OK
*FvwmButtonsGeometry -1-1
# Layout: specify rows or columns, not both
*FvwmButtonsRows 2
# xterm or rxvts on remote machines can be done like this
# Output re-direction is csh style, not sh style
# You will want to substitute your own hosts here!
*FvwmButtons Luna   rterm.xpm  Exec	"Luna"  exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T Luna -n Luna -e rlogin luna.terraweb.com &
*FvwmButtons Terra   rterm.xpm  Exec	"Terra"  exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T Terra -n Terra -e rlogin terra.terraweb.com &
*FvwmButtons Mundo  rterm.xpm  Exec	"Mundo"  exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T Mundo -n Mundo -e rlogin mundo.terraweb.com & 
*FvwmButtons Caramello  rterm.xpm  Exec	"Caramello"  exec xterm -ls -sl 240 -sb -display $HOSTDISPLAY -geo 80x25 -T Caramello -n Vlad -e rlogin caramello.techapp.com & 
*FvwmButtons Xcalc   rcalc.xpm   Exec "Calculator" xcalc &
*FvwmButtons mail  mail2.xpm  Swallow "coolmail" Exec coolmail -f /var/mail/bpm -geometry 50x50 &
*FvwmButtons xclock  clock.xpm   Swallow "xclock" Exec xclock -bg \#908090 -geometry -1500-1500 -padding 0 &
*FvwmButtons(7x1) - whatever Swallow "FvwmPager" Module FvwmPager 0 3
########################## Window-Identifier ###############################
# Just choose colors and a fonts
*FvwmIdentBack MidnightBlue
*FvwmIdentFore Yellow
*FvwmIdentFont -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
########################### Pager #########################################
*FvwmPagerBack #908090
*FvwmPagerFore #484048
*FvwmPagerFont -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPagerGeometry -1-1
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Misc
*FvwmPagerLabel 1 Vlad
*FvwmPagerLabel 2 WWW
*FvwmPagerLabel 3 Terra
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8
*FvwmWinListBack #908090
*FvwmWinListFore Black
*FvwmWinListFont -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus
*FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify
*FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent
*FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1
*FvwmBackerDesk 0 -solid steelblue
*FvwmBackerDesk 1 -solid midnightblue
*FvwmScrollBack grey40
*FvwmScrollFore green
*FvwmIconBoxIconBack    #cfcfcf
*FvwmIconBoxIconHiFore  black
*FvwmIconBoxIconHiBack  LightSkyBlue
*FvwmIconBoxBack        #5f9ea0
#*FvwmIconBoxFore       blue
*FvwmIconBoxGeometry    5x1+0+0
*FvwmIconBoxMaxIconSize 64x38
*FvwmIconBoxFont        -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmIconBoxPadding     4
*FvwmIconBoxLines       10
*FvwmIconBoxPlacement   Left Top
*FvwmIconBoxPixmap      fvwm.xpm
#*FvwmIconBoxHideSC Horizontal
# mouse bindings
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       1       Click           RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       1       DoubleClick     Iconify
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       2       Click           Iconify -1, Focus
*FvwmIconBoxMouse       3       Click           Module FvwmIdent
# Key bindings
*FvwmIconBoxKey         r       RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBoxKey         space   Iconify
*FvwmIconBoxKey         d       Close
# FvwmIconBox built-in functions
*FvwmIconBoxKey         n       Next
*FvwmIconBoxKey         p       Prev
*FvwmIconBoxKey         h       Left
*FvwmIconBoxKey         j       Down
*FvwmIconBoxKey         k       Up
*FvwmIconBoxKey         l       Right
# Icon file spcifications
*FvwmIconBox            "*"             unknown1.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "Fvwm*"         -
*FvwmIconBox            "rxvt"          term.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "xterm"         xterm.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "editres"       editres.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "xman"          xman.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "xbiff"         mail1.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "xmh"           mail1.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "xcalc"         xcalc.xpm
*FvwmIconBox            "FvwmButtons"   toolbox.xpm
Brian Millett                    
Technology Applications Inc.     "Heaven can not exist,
(314) 530-1981                          If the family is not eternal"
bpm_at_techapp.com                   F. Ballard Mashburn
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Received on Thu Nov 02 1995 - 08:46:59 GMT

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