Re: FVWM: wierd xterm error

From: Greg Veres <gveres_at_cappuccino.Uwaterloo.CA>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 08:06:14 -0500

For all those interested in this problem I was having, I have found that it
must be the way in which I am starting FVWM that causes the error. To
refresh memories, the error was that if I launched an xterm from a menu
item in my .fvwmrc file, I would get an invalid argument error when xterm
had no errors. There was nothing on the rest of the line in my .fvwmrc file
so that was not it.

I decided that it must be some thing in my .fvwmrc file because other
people here could start xterms. I started removing lines from my .fvwmrc
file and restarting, hoping that I would eventually eliminate the mystery
line. Nothing seemed to work so I started again but this time "killing"
FVWM and restarting it from the command line. The first time I did this
everything worked. I then put my original .fvwmrc file back in place and
again it all worked. I have therefore concluded that it is how I start the
window manager that is causing me problems. The problem with this is that
it is all part of some complex scripts designed to provide all users with a
common environment across herogeneous platforms.

If I can find out the exact problem I will let people know. Sorry for
leading everybody on a wild goose chase with the previous posts.


Greg Veres ( | You got your whole life to
Computer Graphics Lab, University Of Waterloo| do something and thats not | very long. - Ani Difranco
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Received on Mon Oct 30 1995 - 07:06:24 GMT

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