Re: FVWM: AutoRaise

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 15:30:35 EDT

%% Regarding Re: FVWM: AutoRaise;
%% Jose M. Pereira <> writes:

    jmp> That's why I find the "default" 500ms timeout a bit
    jmp> tight. 750-1000 is more like it (and more than that is too
    jmp> sluggish).

OK, I'll try that.

    jmp> Hmm. Yes, that's how it works (should work). I'm sure there is
    jmp> a catch mixing deiconify/raise/focus/whatever events, but the
    jmp> most common trouble is the timing. Unix/X is not real-time, you
    jmp> know... A thorough check of all event timestamps (possible in
    jmp> 2.0!) is REALLY complicated.

Ah. I didn't think of that. Well, humph. I wonder if there's a simple
way to absolutely verify that it's a delivery time/order from the server
problem vs. some kind of bug in the FvwmAuto code?

    jmp> Welllll... The prototype I have is not a patch, but a *new*
    jmp> module, written in Python.

Uh, never mind :)

 Paul D. Smith <> Network Management Development
 Senior Software Engineer Bay Networks, Inc.
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
     These are my opinions--Bay Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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