FVWM: Re: For your approval...pl37

From: Gerhard den Hollander <gerhard_at_jason.nl>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:14:57 +0100 (MET)

Hoi Charles Hines:

> Ok, pl37 is at ftp.hpc.uh.edu:

> pl 36 to 37
> 1. Fixed coredump due to incomplete backout of NoName/NoClass patch
> 2. Fix for multiple env var expansion core dump from Sverre H. Huseby
> 3. Small doc fixes (spelling, etc)
> 4. Imakefile/configure.h enhancements from Randall S. Winchester
> 5. Updated system.fvwmrc (FvwmIconBox changes from Nobutaka Suzuki)

> If there aren't any big things wrong with it now, which I really hope
> there aren't, I imagine that the next release will be the first official
> one. Since everyone is already referring to the current one as 2.0, I
> think the first official release will be called 2.1. Also, I'd like
> to go to the following scheme for versions:

> FVWM Version M.I.P

> Where M is the Major version number (HUGE changes)
> I is the Minor version number (Significant changes)
> P is the patchlevel (Patches/Small changes)

> So the first release will be 2.1.0.

> Or should we stick with the letter convention from 1.xx? I suppose it
> doesn't matter, eh?

I prefer the M.I.P version

        Gerhard, <_at_jason.nl> == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==
   __O Mounting a horse can often be fun
 =`\<, An elephant too; though he weighs half a ton
(=)/(=) Even a mouse (though his hole is quite small)
        But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

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Received on Mon Oct 16 1995 - 05:20:45 BST

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