FVWM: AddToFunc: way to make a line execute only after another is done?

From: Chris Rode <crode_at_iastate.edu>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 11:02:21 CDT

i'm using fvwm 2.0 pl 37...my restart function looks like:

AddToFunc RestartFunction "I" Exec /afs/iastate.edu/rental/kerplunk/lib/fvwm2/killXload
+ "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Module FvwmAuto 750

where killXload is a shell script that kills stray xload processes. i
swallow xload in my FvwmButtons, and when i restart fvwm, it seems to
like to leave these xloads running... :(

my question is, is there a way to make sure that FvwmButtons gets run
only after this script has completed? alternatively, is there a way to
make fvwm not leave these stray processes around? ;)

any help would be appreciated...


this thing is slowly taking me apart grey would be the color if i had a heart
crode_at_iastate.edu - http://www.public.iastate.edu/~crode/homepage.html - dM
saving energy through apathy - the grabbing hands grab all they can - is there
a tiny part of me untouched--unsoiled by misery - that'a f*ckin' woodchuck...
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Received on Fri Oct 13 1995 - 11:02:22 BST

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