FVWM: Re: Style Request

From: Mark Borges <mdb_at_cdc.noaa.gov>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 22:12:00 -0600

>> On Tue, 10 Oct 1995 10:17:11 -0700 (PDT),
>> Gail Mara Gurman(GMG) wrote:

GMG> How about user-defined styles? It would be nice if I could group
GMG> them differently. For example:

GMG> AddToStyle Info NoHandles
GMG> + NoTitle
GMG> + Sticky
GMG> + WindowListSkip
GMG> + BorderWidth 0

GMG> it would be cleaner to just say something like:

GMG> Style "Perfmeter" Info

Can't this effect be achieved in 2.0 right now using FvwmCpp or

For example, wouldn't this:

        #define INFO NoHandles,Notitle,Sticky,WindowListSkip
        Style "Perfmeter" INFO

collected in a file (say .fvwm-styles) followed by

        FvwmCpp .fvwm-styles

in your .fvwmrc do what you're asking?

(I'm at home so can't test this myself right now, but the man page
seems to indicate it whould work this way).

I think the Style directive could be cleaned up some in other areas,
but this effect seems tailored to what FvwmCpp/FvwmM4 can already do.


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Received on Wed Oct 11 1995 - 23:08:22 BST

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